
Personal & Spiritual Development and Emotional Intelligence

Franceska is as a highly respected authority in the realm of personal and organisational change, counselling, mental health and aged care.  She conducted workshops in Australia and internationally for senior and middle managers, health, welfare and community workers, aged care services, and personal and couples counselling.

Franceska has gone through personal study in Buddhism, Shamanic healing, non-dualism and Jungian analysis. She comes from the university of life (her own life has been fraught with difficulties), as well as extensive main stream study and practice in psychological, emotional, neuro-psychology and group work.

Franceska’s professional journeys cover:

  • A Reiki Master, teacher and mentor, sound healing and vibrational medicine, Australian Bush Flower Essences and aromatherapy

  • Counsellor, psychotherapist and hypnotherapy with over 35 years’ experience

  • Self-Sabotage Release - The Hortsman Technique

  • Inner Child Discovery and Healing

  • Thought and Energy Transformation

  • Connecting and understanding the emotional component of your ailments

In Franceska’s workshops she assists you to look at the reality of your life, without feeling fearful, resentful or damaged. You will be accepted, supported, as well as challenged to look at your life from a balanced perspective. Franceska can instigate, inspire and encourage you along a path of resolution and healing to ‘Cut through your Confusion and find Clarity’.  


Franceska is available for speaking events, workshop facilitation, open mic discussions, podcasts, interviews and educational offerings.


Topics covered at workshops and events can include:

  • Workshop for Men - Releasing Past Hurts and Reclaiming their Inner Strength and Spirit 

  • Workshop for Women - Inner Child Discovery and Healing. Reclaiming Your Feminine Aspects 

  • Nurturing the Spirit Within for Women and Children 

  • Connecting with the Spirituality of the Senses 

  • Understanding and Setting Boundaries with LOVE 

  • Nurturance for sole practitioners, middle management and sole business owners

  • Learn to care for yourselves, your business/work and be productive and fulfilled

  • Cultivate emotional freedom, discover and understand your emotional type, and learn ways to deal with emotions in your daily life

  • Examine anger, sadness, fear, enjoyment, love, surprise, shame and guilt resulting in a grounded and rounded personality and the ability to handle clients and personal relationships

  • Increase your ability to analyse and understand relationships and be effective in your life

  • Be more accessible through owning and using other parts of your personality to give you a deeper understanding for your relationships

  • Navigate adversity and liberate from fear

  • Develop your emotional intelligence by connecting with self-control, enthusiasm, persistence and self-motivation