Franceska is a highly respected and influential speaker on the Australian and international speaking circuit.
She is available to speak at events, facilitate workshops, participate in open mic discussions, podcasts, interviews and educational offerings on topics such as:
Mental Health
Emotional intelligence
Understanding and Dealing with Trauma and PTSD
How does guilt and shame differ?
Human Development
Community Development
Personal & spiritual development
Guilt and shame: What’s the difference?
Guilt and shame are not the same. Understanding the differences between them can help us work through our negative self-judgments. When we are better able to grasp the difference between healthy guilt, unhealthy guilt, and shame, we can begin to halt self-criticism and reject shame messages. Guilt is often experienced when we act against our values. Shame, on the other hand, is a deeply-held belief about our unworthiness as a person.
Detecting depression, anxiety and dementia
Developing an understanding of dementia, through experiential work with simulated exercises of the overload people with dementia can experience.
Developing new ways of responding to and caring for the person with dementia - through a philosophy of care; communication techniques, programs and activities and understanding sexuality.
Caring for the carers - able to understand, experience and use anti-stress techniques for caregivers
For further information visit WORKSHOPS or contact Franceska to discuss your speaking engagement.
“From my inner core rose the ability to see suffering, and determination to right the wrongs”
Some of Franceska’s speaking engagements include:
Key note speaker: The Voice of Love in the Corridor of Lost Steps - Alzheimer’s Disease International 12th Conference held by Alzheimer’s Association of Israel, Jerusalem – Training for family and professional caregivers on dementia care and stress management
Workshop Leader: Care of People with Alzheimer’s Disease – International Psycho-Geriatric Association (New Delhi, India)
Instructor: Residential Courses - ‘What is Dementia?’ Day Care and Nursing Home Care (Cochin, India)
Trainer - For a nucleus of doctors, nurses, social workers, philanthropists and family care givers to set up community services and train personnel in medical institutions. Tropical Health Foundation and Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India (Cochin, India)
Consultant: Scientific Committee of Alzheimer’s Association of Argentina in Tucumann, Family Committee (Buenos Aires) and ALMA – Association of Alzheimer’s and Hogar Adolfo Hirsch Residential Home. Advising on dementia specific units within nursing homes and planning services with and for the community and training personnel
Workshop Leader: International Training Workshop for the Care of People with Dementia and Self Care for the caregivers – Alzheimer’s Disease International (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Key note Speaker: Diffusing the Potential Storm - Non-drug Solutions for Behavioural Difficulties Alzheimer’s Disease International (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Key note Speaker: The Dance for Life - Ministry of Public Health and Environment Belgium and World Health Organisation Collaborating Centers for Health and Clinical and Psychobiological Factors
Key note Speaker: Advocacy - Influencing Public Policy Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference (Toronto Ontario, Canada)
Conference Speaker: Guidelines for Care: Some International Examples
Visiting Scholar – University of Tasmania, School of Sociology and Social Work. Lecturing in Ageing and Aged Care (Tasmania, Australia)
Speaker: Promoting Community Harmony in Times of Ease and Distress, Interfaith Dialogue, Queensland Parliament House (Brisbane, Australia)
Radio interview: Trauma, How it Affects the Brain, Behaviour and Relationships, Radio Women 4 Women Network – W4WN - (USA)