Focus and Healing
Focus and Healing
I have been fortunate in the last weeks to watch and totally incorporate and embody teachings from the Sixth Sun Rising and Caroline Myss on how to heal ourselves and to know what is meaningful for us.
In the Sixth Sun Rising documentary they interview Geoffrey Hoppe who has this to say, “your body and your mind already know how to heal themselves”. He and Caroline say, “We have fallen out of trust with our body. We need to stop and take time to heal.” We need to say to our body, “You know how to heal yourself. I trust you dear body – because you know how to heal yourself and I take time to be quiet and let you dear body do it – heal.”
Develop trust with your body to clear and rebalance, even if you need to stay in bed for whatever time it takes. When we are in attunement with our body it heals faster and more efficiently. Caroline says we need to pray for healing, for endurance and use our divine imagination to ask for healing. We need to not be caught up in our or other’s dramas. Focus on your own being. Ask yourself the question, ‘Can I trust myself to allow my own natural changes and evolution to take place’. Do you LOVE yourself enough to allow the natural process of moving to another dimension within yourself?’ Geoffrey says, “take on only what you want. Keep it simple. Don’t buy into lack of abundance. Don’t take on other’s thoughts. Nothing is yours unless you choose it. We need self-loving and be totally a being of choice. We co-create our reality. Explore that and how it applies to your health. We create the health of our body, then our environment. The power in us is incredible. It leads us towards each other in crises as we are creatures of learning. Everything matters – not about what we can take – but what we can give. Not about how much money we can squeeze out of a deal. But about how this work, involvement affects me – my body, spirit, soul, and the environment around me. Caroline’s words continue, “Love the life you have. Love the gift that is your life. You are alive.” Remembering Thomas Merton’s words, ‘This day will never come again. This moment won’t come again.’ He noticed the small things. That there is meaning and purpose to everything we do. Finding the joyfulness in us. Wishing away our life to reach the next whatever – we want rather than need. Understandably not wanting the hurt, pain, but when we sit in silence, reverence, and know we can heal, overcome, and get through this difficult time, then we have the endurance and fortitude to move onto better times. Where joy patiently awaits. ‘We can find joy even in the saddest of places’.